UB Vice President for Research and Economic Development markup
Anthony L. Auerbach UB Profile
Physiology and Biophysics
315 Cary Hall
South Campus
Buffalo NY 14214
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Authors: Sushree Tripathy, Wenjun Zheng, Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 30635370
1: The Journal of general physiology, vol. 151, 2018
Authors: Tapan K Nayak, Ridhima Vij, Iva Bruhova, Jayasha Shandilya, Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 30635369
1: The Journal of general physiology, vol. 151, 2018
Authors: Tapan K Nayak, Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 29078356
1: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 114, 2017
Authors: Tapan Kumar Nayak, Srirupa Chakraborty, Wenjun Zheng, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Adult-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) mediate signalling at mature neuromuscular junctions and fetal-type AChRs are necessary for proper synapse development. Each AChR has two neurotransmitter binding sites located at the interface of a principal and a complementary subunit. Although all agonist binding sites have the same core of five aromatic amino acids, the fetal site has 30-fold higher affinity for the neurotransmitter ACh. Here we use molecular dynamics simulations of adult versus fetal homology models to identify complementary-subunit residues near the core that influence affinity, and use single-channel electrophysiology to corroborate the results. Four residues in combination determine adult versus fetal affinity. Simulations suggest that at lower-affinity sites, one of these unsettles the core directly and the others (in loop E) increase backbone flexibility to unlock a key, complementary tryptophan from the core. Swapping only four amino acids is necessary and sufficient to exchange function between adult and fetal AChRs.
PubMedId: 27101778
Journal-article: Nature Communications, vol. 7, pp. 11352, 2016
Authors: Iva Bruhova, Anthony Auerbach
Keywords: agonist cation-pi ion channel neuromuscular receptor
Abstract: Neuromuscular acetylcholine (ACh) receptors have a high affinity for the neurotransmitter ACh and a low affinity for its metabolic product choline. At each transmitter binding site three aromatic groups determine affinity, and together provide 50% more binding energy for ACh than for choline. Deprotonation of Y190 by a nearby lysine strengthens the interaction between this aromatic ring and both ACh and choline. H-bonds position ACh and choline differently in the aromatic cage to generate the different affinities. Acetylcholine (ACh) released at the vertebrate nerve-muscle synapse is hydrolysed rapidly to choline (Cho), so endplate receptors (AChRs) are exposed to high concentrations of both of these structurally related ligands. To understand how these receptors distinguish ACh and Cho, we used single-channel electrophysiology to measure resting affinities (binding free energies) of these and other agonists in adult-type mouse AChRs having a mutation(s) at the transmitter-binding sites. The aromatic rings of Y190, W149 and Y198 each provide 50% less binding energy for Cho compared to ACh. At Y198 a phenylalanine substitution had no effect, but at Y190 this substitution caused a large, agonist-independent loss in binding energy that depended on the presence of K145. The results suggest that (1) Y190 is deprotonated by K145 to strengthen the interaction between this benzene ring and the agonist's quaternary ammonium (QA) and (2) AChRs respond strongly to ACh because an H-bond positions the QA to interact optimally with the rings, and weakly to Cho because a different H-bond tethers the ligand to misalign the QA and form weaker interactions with the aromatic groups. The results suggest that the difference in ACh versus Cho binding energies is determined by different ligand positions within a fixed protein structure.
PubMedId: 27779761
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 595, pp. 1253-1261, 2016
Authors: Shaweta Gupta, Srirupa Chakraborty, Ridhima Vij, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are allosteric proteins that generate membrane currents by isomerizing ("gating") between resting and active conformations under the influence of neurotransmitters. Here, to explore the mechanisms that link the transmitter-binding sites (TBSs) with the distant gate, we use mutant cycle analyses to measure coupling between residue pairs, phi value analyses to sequence domain rearrangements, and current simulations to reproduce a microsecond shut component ("flip") apparent in single-channel recordings. Significant interactions between amino acids separated by >15 are rare; an exception is between the M2-M3 linkers and the TBSs that are 30 apart. Linker residues also make significant, local interactions within and between subunits. Phi value analyses indicate that without agonists, the linker is the first region in the protein to reach the gating transition state. Together, the phi pattern and flip component suggest that a complete, restingactive allosteric transition involves passage through four brief intermediate states, with brief shut events arising from sojourns in all or a subset. We derive energy landscapes for gating with and without agonists, and propose a structure-based model in which restingactive starts with spontaneous rearrangements of the M2-M3 linkers and TBSs. These conformational changes stabilize a twisted extracellular domain to promote transmembrane helix tilting, gate dilation, and the formation of a "bubble" that collapses to initiate ion conduction. The energy landscapes suggest that twisting is the most energetically unfavorable step in the restingactive conformational change and that the rate-limiting step in the reverse process is bubble formation.
PubMedId: 27932572
Journal-article: The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 149, pp. 85-103, 2016
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 26655305
1: Molecular pharmacology, vol. 89, 2015
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 26206191
1: Biochemical pharmacology, vol. 97, 2015
Authors: Ridhima Vij, Prasad Purohit, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: The time course of the endplate current is determined by the rate and equilibrium constants for acetylcholine receptor (AChR) activation. We measured these constants in single-channel currents from AChRs with mutations at the neurotransmitter-binding sites, in loop C. The main findings are: (a) Almost all perturbations of loop C generate heterogeneity in the channel open probability ("modes"). (b) Modes are generated by different affinities for ACh that can be either higher or lower than in the wild-type receptors. (c) The modes are stable, in so far as each receptor maintains its affinity for at least several minutes. (d) Different agonists show different degrees of modal activity. With the loop C mutation P197A, there are four modes with ACh but only two with partial agonists. (e) The affinity variations arise exclusively from the -binding site. (f) Substituting four -subunit residues into the subunit (three in loop E and one in the 5-5' linker) reduces modal activity. (g) At each neurotransmitter-binding site, affinity is determined by a core of five aromatic residues. Modes are eliminated by an alanine mutation at W57 but not at the other aromatics. (h) Modes are eliminated by a phenylalanine substitution at all core aromatics except Y93. The results suggest that, at the agonist site, loop C and the complementary subunit surface can each adopt alternative conformations and interact with each other to influence the position of W57 with respect to the aromatic core and, hence, affinity.
PubMedId: 26503719
Journal-article: The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 146, pp. 375-386, 2015
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 25446670
1: Neuropharmacology, vol. 96, 2014
Authors: Tapan K Nayak, Iva Bruhova, Srirupa Chakraborty, Shaweta Gupta, Wenjun Zheng, Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 25422413
1: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 111, 2014
Authors: Prasad Purohit, Iva Bruhova, Shaweta Gupta, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Agonists turn on receptors because their target sites have a higher affinity in the active versus resting conformation of the protein. We used single-channel electrophysiology to measure the lower-affinity (LA) and higher-affinity (HA) equilibrium dissociation constants for acetylcholine in adult-type muscle mouse nicotinic receptors (AChRs) having mutations of agonist binding site amino acids. For a series of agonists and for all mutations of Y93, G147, W149, Y190, Y198, W55, and W57, the change in LA binding energy was approximately half that in HA binding energy. The results were analyzed as a linear free energy relationship between LA and HA agonist binding, the slope of which () gives the fraction of the overall binding chemical potential where the LA complex is established. The linear correlation between LA and HA binding energies suggests that the overall binding process is by an integrated mechanism (catch-and-hold). For the agonist and the above mutations, 0.5, but side-chain substitutions of two residues had a slope that was significantly higher (0.90; G153) or lower (0.25; P121). The results suggest that backbone rearrangements in loop B, loop C, and the non- surface participate in both LAbinding and the LA HA affinity switch. It appears that all of the intermediate steps in AChR activation comprise a single, energetically coupled process.
PubMedId: 24988344
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 107, pp. 88-99, 2014
Authors: Shaweta Gupta, Prasad Purohit, Anthony Auerbach
Keywords: Cholinergic Receptor Cys Loop Receptors Gating Ion Channels Synapses
Abstract: The neuromuscular acetylcholine (ACh) receptor has two conserved prolines in loop D of the complementary subunit at each of its two transmitter-binding sites (- and -). We used single-channel electrophysiology to estimate the energy changes caused by mutations of these prolines with regard to unliganded gating (G0) and the affinity change for ACh that increases the open channel probability (GB). The effects of mutations of ProD2 (Pro-121/Pro-123) were greater than those of its neighbor (Pro-120/Pro-122) and were greater at - versus -. The main consequence of the congenital myasthenic syndrome mutation ProD2-L was to impair the establishment of a high affinity for ACh and thus make GB less favorable. At both binding sites, most ProD2 mutations decreased constitutive activity (increased G0). LRYHQG and RL substitutions reduced substantially the net binding energy (made GB(ACh) less favorable) by 2 kcal/mol at - and -, respectively. Mutant cycle analyses were used to estimate energy coupling between the two ProD2 residues and between each ProD2 and glycine residues (Gly-147 and Gly-153) on the primary ( subunit) side of each binding pocket. The distant binding site prolines interact weakly. ProD2 interacts strongly with Gly-147 but only at - and only when ACh is present. The results suggest that in the low to-high affinity change there is a concerted inter-subunit strain in the backbones at ProD2 and Gly-147. It is possible to engineer receptors having a single functional binding site by using a - or - ProD2-R knock-out mutation. In adult-type ACh receptors, the energy from the affinity change for ACh is approximately the same at the two binding sites (approximately -5 kcal/mol).
PubMedId: 23519471
Journal-article: The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 288, 2013
Authors: Tapan K Nayak, Anthony Auerbach
Keywords: allostery cholinergic kinetics nicotinic
Abstract: Neuromuscular acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) have two transmitter binding sites: at - and either - (fetal) or - (adult) subunit interfaces. The -subunit of fetal AChRs is indispensable for the proper development of neuromuscular synapses. We estimated parameters for acetylcholine (ACh) binding and gating from single channel currents of fetal mouse AChRs expressed in tissue-cultured cells. The unliganded gating equilibrium constant is smaller and less voltage-dependent than in adult AChRs. However, the - binding site has a higher affinity for ACh and provides more binding energy for gating compared with -; therefore, the diliganded gating equilibrium constant at -100 mV is comparable for both receptor subtypes. The -2.2 kcal/mol extra binding energy from - compared with - and - is accompanied by a higher resting affinity for ACh, mainly because of slower transmitter dissociation. End plate current simulations suggest that the higher affinity and increased energy from - are essential for generating synaptic responses at low pulse [ACh].
PubMedId: 23898191
Journal-article: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 110, 2013
Authors: Prasad Purohit, Shaweta Gupta, Snehal Jadey, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Synaptic receptors are allosteric proteins that switch on and off to regulate cell signalling. Here, we use single-channel electrophysiology to measure and map energy changes in the gating conformational change of a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Two separated regions in the -subunits--the transmitter-binding sites and M2-M3 linkers in the membrane domain--have the highest -values (change conformation the earliest), followed by the extracellular domain, most of the membrane domain and the gate. Large gating-energy changes occur at the transmitter-binding sites, -subunit interfaces, the M1 helix and the gate. We hypothesize that rearrangements of the linkers trigger the global allosteric transition, and that the hydrophobic gate unlocks in three steps. The mostly local character of side-chain energy changes and the similarly high -values of separated domains, both with and without ligands, suggest that gating is not strictly a mechanical process initiated by the affinity change for the agonist.
PubMedId: 24352193
Journal-article: Nature Communications, vol. 4, 2013
Authors: Prasad Purohit, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Agonist molecules at the two neuromuscular acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (AChR) transmitter-binding sites increase the probability of channel opening. In one hypothesis for AChR activation ("priming"), the capping of loop C at each binding site transfers energy independently to the distant gate over a discrete structural pathway. We used single-channel analyses to examine the experimental support for this proposal with regard to brief unliganded openings, the effects of loop-C modifications, the effects of mutations to residues either on or off the putative pathway, and state models for describing currents at low [ACh]. The results show that (a) diliganded and brief unliganded openings are generated by the same essential, global transition; (b) the radical manipulation of loop C does not prevent channel opening but impairs agonist binding; (c) both on- and off-pathway mutations alter gating by changing the relative stability of the open-channel conformation by local interactions rather than by perturbing a specific site-gate communication link; and (d) it is possible to estimate directly the rate constants for agonist dissociation from and association to both the low and high affinity forms of the AChR-binding site by using a cyclic kinetic model. We conclude that the mechanism of energy transfer between the binding sites and the gate remains an open question.
PubMedId: 23478996
Journal-article: The Journal of general physiology, vol. 141, 2013
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Ligand-gated ion channels are allosteric membrane proteins that isomerize between C(losed) and O(pen) conformations. A difference in affinity for ligands in the two states influences the CO "gating" equilibrium constant. The energies associated with adult-type mouse neuromuscular nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) channel gating have been measured by using single-channel electrophysiology. Without ligands, the free energy, enthalpy and entropy of gating are G0=+8.4, H0=+10.9 and TS0=+2.5kcal/mol (-100mV, 23C). Many mutations throughout the protein change G0, including natural ones that cause disease. Agonists and most mutations change approximately independently the ground-state energy difference; thus, it is possible to forecast and engineer AChR responses simply by combining perturbations. The free energy of the lowhigh affinity change for the neurotransmitter at each of two functionally equivalent binding sites is GB(ACh)=-5.1kcal/mol. GB(ACh) is set mainly by interactions of ACh with just three binding site aromatic groups. For a series of structurally related agonists, there is a correlation between the energies of low- and high-affinity binding, which implies that gating commences with the formation of the low-affinity complex. Brief, intermediate states in binding and gating have been detected. Several proposals for the nature of the gating transition-state energy landscape and the isomerization mechanism are discussed.
PubMedId: 23357172
Journal-article: Journal of molecular biology, vol. 425, 2012
Authors: Iva Bruhova, Timothy Gregg, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Agonists, including the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh), bind at two sites in the neuromuscular ACh receptor channel (AChR) to promote a reversible, global change in protein conformation that regulates the flow of ions across the muscle cell membrane. In the synaptic cleft, ACh is hydrolyzed to acetate and choline. Replacement of the transmitter's ester acetyl group with a hydroxyl (AChcholine) results in a + 1.8 kcal/mol reduction in the energy for gating generated by each agonist molecule from a low- to high-affinity change of the transmitter binding site (G(B)). To understand the distinct actions of structurally related agonist molecules, we measured G(B) for 10 related choline derivatives. Replacing the hydroxyl group of choline with different substituents, such as hydrogen, chloride, methyl, or amine, increased the energy for gating (i.e., it made G(B) more negative relative to choline). Extending the ethyl hydroxide tail of choline to propyl and butyl hydroxide also increased this energy. Our findings reveal the amount of energy that is available for the AChR conformational change provided by different, structurally related agonists. We speculate that a hydrogen bond between the choline hydroxyl and the backbone carbonyl of W149 positions this agonist's quaternary ammonium group so as to reduce the cation- interaction between this moiety and the aromatic groups at the binding site.
PubMedId: 23442907
Journal-article: Biophysical journal, vol. 104, 2012
Authors: Snehal Jadey, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: In neuromuscular acetylcholine (ACh) receptor channels (AChRs), agonist molecules bind with a low affinity (LA) to two sites that can switch to high affinity (HA) and increase the probability of channel opening. We measured (by using single-channel kinetic analysis) the rate and equilibrium constants for LA binding and channel gating for several different agonists of adult-type mouse AChRs. Almost all of the variation in the equilibrium constants for LA binding was from differences in the association rate constants. These were consistently below the limit set by diffusion and were substantially different even though the agonists had similar sizes and the same charge. This suggests that binding to resting receptors is not by diffusion alone and, hence, that each binding site can undergo two conformational changes ("catch" and "hold") that connect three different structures (apo-, LA-bound, and HA-bound). Analyses of ACh-binding protein structures suggest that this binding site, too, may adopt three discrete structures having different degrees of loop C displacement ("capping"). For the agonists we tested, the logarithms of the equilibrium constants for LA binding and LAHA gating were correlated. Although agonist binding and channel gating have long been considered to be separate processes in the activation of ligand-gated ion channels, this correlation implies that the catch-and-hold conformational changes are energetically linked and together comprise an integrated process having a common structural basis. We propose that loop C capping mainly reflects agonist binding, with its two stages corresponding to the formation of the LA and HA complexes. The catch-and-hold reaction coordinate is discussed in terms of preopening states and thermodynamic cycles of activation.
PubMedId: 22732309
Journal-article: The Journal of general physiology, vol. 140, 2012
Authors: Prasad Purohit, Iva Bruhova, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) mediate signaling in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The AChR gating conformational change is powered by a low- to high-affinity change for neurotransmitters at two transmitter binding sites. We estimated (from single-channel currents) the components of energy for gating arising from binding site aromatic residues in the -subunit. All mutations reduced the energy (TyrC1>TrpBTyrC2>TyrA), with TyrC1 providing ~40% of the total. Considered one at a time, the fractional energy contributions from the aromatic rings were TrpB ~35%, TyrC1 ~28%, TyrC2 ~28%, and TyrA ~10%. Together, TrpB, TyrC1, and TyrC2 comprise an "aromatic triad" that provides much of the total energy from the transmitter for gating. Analysis of mutant pairs suggests that the energy contributions from some residues are nearly independent. Mutations of TyrC1 cause particularly large energy reductions because they remove two favorable and approximately equal interactions between the aromatic ring and the quaternary amine of the agonist and between the hydroxyl and Lys7.
PubMedId: 22647603
Journal-article: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 109, 2012
Authors: Tapan K Nayak, Prasad G Purohit, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) channels at neuromuscular synapses rarely open in the absence of agonists, but many different mutations increase the unliganded gating equilibrium constant (E0) to generate AChRs that are active constitutively. We measured E0 for two different sets of mutant combinations and by extrapolation estimated E0 for wild-type AChRs. The estimates were 7.6 and 7.810(-7) in adult-type mouse AChRs (-100 mV at 23C). The values are in excellent agreement with one obtained previously by using a completely different method (6.510(-7), from monoliganded gating). E0 decreases with depolarization to the same extent as does the diliganded gating equilibrium constant, e-fold with 60 mV. We estimate that at -100 mV the intrinsic energy of the unliganded gating isomerization is +8.4 kcal/mol (35 kJ/mol), and that in the absence of a membrane potential, the intrinsic chemical energy of this global conformational change is +9.4 kcal/mol (39 kJ/mol). Na+ and K+ in the extracellular solution have no measureable effect on E0, which suggests that unliganded gating occurs with only water occupying the transmitter binding sites. The results are discussed with regard to the energy changes in receptor activation and the competitive antagonism of ions in agonist binding.
PubMedId: 22547665
Journal-article: The Journal of general physiology, vol. 139, 2012
Authors: Archana Jha, Shaweta Gupta, Shoshanna N Zucker, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Acetylcholine receptor-channels (AChRs) mediate fast synaptic transmission between nerve and muscle. In order to better-understand the mechanism by which this protein assembles and isomerizes between closed- and open-channel conformations we measured changes in the diliganded gating equilibrium constant (E(2)) consequent to mutations of residues at the C-terminus of loop 9 (L9) in the and subunits of mouse neuromuscular AChRs. These amino acids are close to two interesting interfaces, between the extracellular and transmembrane domain within a subunit (ET interface) and between primary and complementary subunits (PC interface). Most subunit mutations modestly decreased E(2) (mainly by slowing the channel-opening rate constant) and sometimes produced AChRs that had heterogeneous gating kinetic properties. Mutations in the subunit had a larger effect and could either increase or decrease E(2), but did not induce kinetic heterogeneity. There are broad-but-weak energetic interactions between L9 residues and others at the ET interface, as well as between the L9 residue and others at the PC interface (in particular, the M2M3 linker). These interactions serve, in part, to maintain the structural integrity of the AChR assembly at the ET interface. Overall, the energy changes of L9 residues are significant but smaller than in other regions of the protein.
PubMedId: 22025664
Journal-article: The Journal of physiology, vol. 590, 2011
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Neuromuscular acetylcholine receptors have long been a model system for understanding the mechanisms of operation of ligand-gated ion channels and fast chemical synapses. These five subunit membrane proteins have two allosteric (transmitter) binding sites and a distant ion channel domain. Occupation of the binding sites by agonist molecules transiently increases the probability that the channel is ion-permeable. Recent experiments show that the Monod, Wyman and Changeux formalism for allosteric proteins, originally developed for haemoglobin, is an excellent model for acetylcholine receptors. By using mutations and single-channel electrophysiology, the gating equilibrium constants for receptors with zero, one or two bound agonist molecules, and the agonist association and dissociation rate constants from both the closed- and open-channel conformations, have been estimated experimentally. The change in affinity for each transmitter molecule between closed and open conformations provides ~-5.1 kcal mol(-1) towards the global gating isomerization of the protein.
PubMedId: 21807612
Journal-article: The Journal of physiology, vol. 590, 2011
Authors: Snehal V Jadey, Prasad Purohit, Iva Bruhova, Timothy M Gregg, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Allosteric proteins use energy derived from ligand binding to promote a global change in conformation. The "gating" equilibrium constant of acetylcholine receptor-channels (AChRs) is influenced by ligands, mutations, and membrane voltage. We engineered AChRs to have specific values of this constant by combining these perturbations, and then calculated the corresponding values for a reference condition. AChRs were designed to have specific rate and equilibrium constants simply by adding multiple, energetically independent mutations with known effects on gating. Mutations and depolarization (to remove channel block) changed the diliganded gating equilibrium constant only by changing the unliganded gating equilibrium constant (E(0)) and did not alter the energy from ligand binding. All of the tested perturbations were approximately energetically independent. We conclude that naturally occurring mutations mainly adjust E(0) and cause human disease because they generate AChRs that have physiologically inappropriate values of this constant. The results suggest that the energy associated with a structural change of a side chain in the gating isomerization is dissipated locally and is mainly independent of rigid body or normal mode motions of the protein. Gating rate and equilibrium constants are estimated for seven different AChR agonists using a stepwise engineering approach.
PubMedId: 21368211
Journal-article: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 108, 2011
Authors: David J Cadugan, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: The gating isomerization of neuromuscular acetylcholine receptors links the rearrangements of atoms at two transmitter-binding sites with those at a distant gate region in the pore. To explore the mechanism of this reversible process, we estimated the gating rate and equilibrium constants for receptors with point mutations of alpha-subunit residues located between the binding sites and the membrane domain (N95, A96, Y127, and I49). The maximum energy change caused by a side-chain substitution at alphaA96 was huge (approximately 8.6 kcal/mol, the largest value measured so far for any alpha-subunit amino acid). A Phi-value analysis suggests that alphaA96 experiences its change in energy (structure) approximately synchronously with residues alphaY127 and alphaI49, but after the agonist molecule and other residues in loop A. Double mutant-cycle experiments show that the energy changes at alphaA96 are strongly coupled with those of alphaY127 and alphaI49. We identify a column of mutation-sensitive residues in the alpha-subunit that may be a pathway for energy transfer through the extracellular domain in the gating isomerization.
PubMedId: 20682257
Journal-article: Biophysical journal, vol. 99, 2010
Authors: Prasad Purohit, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: The extent to which agonists activate synaptic receptor-channels depends on both the intrinsic tendency of the unliganded receptor to open and the amount of agonist binding energy realized in the channel-opening process. We examined mutations of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor transmitter binding site ( subunit loop B) with regard to both of these parameters. Gly147 is an "activation" hinge where backbone flexibility maintains high values for intrinsic gating, the affinity of the resting conformation for agonists and net ligand binding energy. Gly153 is a "deactivation" hinge that maintains low values for these parameters. Trp149 (between these two glycines) serves mainly to provide ligand binding energy for gating. We propose that a concerted motion of the two glycine hinges (plus other structural elements at the binding site) positions Trp149 so that it provides physiologically optimal binding and gating function at the nerve-muscle synapse.
PubMedId: 21115636
Journal-article: Molecular pharmacology, vol. 79, 2010
Authors: Shaweta Gupta, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) are synaptic ion channels that spontaneously isomerize (i.e., gate) between resting and active conformations. We used single-molecule electrophysiology to measure the temperature dependencies of mouse neuromuscular AChR gating rate and equilibrium constants. From these we estimated free energy, enthalpy, and entropy changes caused by mutations of amino acids located between the transmitter binding sites and the middle of the membrane domain. The range of equilibrium enthalpy change (13.4 kcal/mol) was larger than for free energy change (5.5 kcal/mol at 25C). For two residues, the slope of the rate-equilibrium free energy relationship () was approximately constant with temperature. Mutant cycle analysis showed that both free energies and enthalpies are additive for energetically independent mutations. We hypothesize that changes in energy associated with changes in structure mainly occur close to the site of the mutation, and, hence, that it is possible to make a residue-by-residue map of heat exchange in the AChR gating isomerization. The structural correlates of enthalpy changes are discussed for 12 different mutations in the protein.
PubMedId: 21320434
Journal-article: Biophysical journal, vol. 100, 2010
Authors: Shaweta Gupta, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: The temperature dependence of agonist binding and channel gating were measured for wild-type adult neuromuscular acetylcholine receptors activated by acetylcholine, carbamylcholine, or choline. With acetylcholine, temperature changed the gating rate constants (Q(10) 3.2) but had almost no effect on the equilibrium constant. The enthalpy change associated with gating was agonist-dependent, but for all three ligands it was approximately equal to the corresponding free-energy change. The equilibrium dissociation constant of the resting conformation (K(d)), the slope of the rate-equilibrium free-energy relationship (), and the acetylcholine association and dissociation rate constants were approximately temperature-independent. In the mutant G153S, the choline association and dissociation rate constants were temperature-dependent (Q(10) 7.4) but K(d) was not. By combining two independent mutations, we were able to compensate for the catalytic effect of temperature on the decay time constant of a synaptic current. At mouse body temperature, the channel-opening and -closing rate constants are 400 and 16 ms(-1). We hypothesize that the agonist dependence of the gating enthalpy change is associated with differences in ligand binding, specifically to the open-channel conformation of the protein.
PubMedId: 21320433
Journal-article: Biophysical journal, vol. 100, 2010
Authors: Wenjun Zheng, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Despite many experimental and computational studies of the gating transition of pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs), the structural basis of how ligand binding couples to channel gating remains unknown. By using a newly developed interpolated elastic network model (iENM), we have attempted to compute a likely transition pathway from the closed- to the open-channel conformation of pLGICs as captured by the crystal structures of two prokaryotic pLGICs. The iENM pathway predicts a sequence of structural events that begins at the ligand-binding loops and is followed by the displacements of two key loops (loop 2 and loop 7) at the interface between the extracellular and transmembrane domain, the tilting/bending of the pore-lining M2 helix, and subsequent movements of M4, M3 and M1 helices in the transmembrane domain. The predicted order of structural events is in broad agreement with the -value analysis of subunit of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mutants, which supports a conserved core mechanism for ligand-gated channel opening in pLGICs. Further perturbation analysis has supported the critical role of certain intra-subunit and inter-subunit interactions in dictating the above sequence of events.
PubMedId: 21253563
Journal-article: PLoS computational biology, vol. 7, 2010
Authors: Iva Bruhova, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Transmitter molecules bind to synaptic acetylcholine receptor channels (AChRs) to promote a global channel-opening conformational change. Although the detailed mechanism that links ligand binding and channel gating is uncertain, the energy changes caused by mutations appear to be more symmetrical between subunits in the transmembrane domain compared with the extracellular domain. The only covalent connection between these domains is the pre-M1 linker, a stretch of five amino acids that joins strand 10 with the M1 helix. In each subunit, this linker has a central Arg (Arg(3')), which only in the non--subunits is flanked by positively charged residues. Previous studies showed that mutations of Arg(3') in the -subunit alter the gating equilibrium constant and reduce channel expression. We recorded single-channel currents and estimated the gating rate and equilibrium constants of adult mouse AChRs with mutations at the pre-M1 linker and the nearby residue Glu(45) in non--subunits. In all subunits, mutations of Arg(3') had similar effects as in the -subunit. In the -subunit, mutations of the flanking residues and Glu(45) had only small effects, and there was no energy coupling between Glu(45) and Arg(3'). The non--subunit Arg(3') residues had -values that were similar to those for the -subunit. The results suggest that there is a general symmetry between the AChR subunits during gating isomerization in this linker and that the central Arg is involved in expression more so than gating. The energy transfer through the AChR during gating appears to mainly involve Glu(45), but only in the -subunits.
PubMedId: 20864527
Journal-article: The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 285, 2010
Authors: Pallavi A Bafna, Archana Jha, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: The two transmitter binding sites of the neuromuscular acetylcholine (ACh) receptor channel contain several aromatic residues, including a tryptophan located on the complementary, negative face of each binding pocket. These two residues, Trp-55 in the epsilon subunit and Trp-57 in the delta subunit, were mutated (AEFHILRVY), and for most constructs the rate constants for acetylcholine binding and channel gating were estimated by using single channel kinetic analyses. The rate constants for unliganded channel opening and closing were also estimated for some mutants. From these measurements we calculated all of the equilibrium constants of the "allosteric" cycle as follows: diliganded gating, unliganded gating, dissociation from the C(losed) conformation, and dissociation from the O(pen) conformation. The results indicate the following. (i) These aromatic side chains play a relatively minor role in ACh receptor channel activation. (ii) The main consequence of mutations is to reduce the affinity of the O conformation of the binding site for ACh, with the effect being greater at the epsilon subunit. (iii) In epsilon (but not delta) the aromatic nature of the side chain is important in determining affinity, to a slightly greater degree in the O conformation. Phi value analyses (of both tryptophan residues) show Phi approximately 1 for both the ACh binding and diliganded gating reactions. (iv) This suggests that the structural boundaries of the dynamic elements of the gating conformational change may not be subunit-delimited, and (v) the mutated tryptophan residues experience energy changes that occur relatively early in both the ligand-binding and channel-gating reactions.
PubMedId: 19171937
Journal-article: The Journal of biological chemistry, vol. 284, 2009
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Acetylcholine receptor-channels are allosteric proteins that isomerize ('gate') between conformations that have a low vs. high affinity for the transmitter and conductance for ions. In order to comprehend the mechanism by which the affinity and conductance changes are linked it is of value to know the magnitude, timing and distribution of energy flowing through the system. Knowing both the di- and unliganded gating equilibrium constants (E(2) and E(0)) is a foundation for understanding the AChR gating mechanism and for engineering both the ligand and the protein to operate in predictable ways. In adult mouse neuromuscular receptors activated by acetylcholine, E(2) = 28 and E(0) approximately 6.5 x 10(7). At each (equivalent) transmitter binding site acetylcholine provides approximately 5.2 kcal mol(1) to motivate the isomerization. The partial agonist choline provides approximately 3.3 kcal mol(1). The relative time of a residue's gating energy change is revealed by the slope of its rate-equilibrium constant relationship. A map of this parameter suggests that energy propagates as a conformational cascade between the transmitter binding sites and the gate region. Although gating energy changes are widespread throughout the protein, some residues are particularly sensitive to perturbations. Several specific proposals for the structural events that comprise the gating conformational cascade are discussed.
PubMedId: 19933754
Journal-article: The Journal of physiology, vol. 588, 2009
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
Book-chapter: Ion Channels: From Atomic Resolution Physiology to Functional Genomics, pp. 223-239, 2008
Authors: Eli Pollak, Anthony Auerbach, Peter Talkner
Abstract: The potential energy profile for many complex reactions of proteins, such as folding or allosteric conformational change, involves many different scales of molecular motion along the reaction coordinate. Although it is natural to model the dynamics of motion along such rugged energy landscapes as diffusional (the Smoluchowski equation; SE), problems arise because the frictional forces generated by the molecular surround are typically not strong enough to justify the use of the SE. Here, we discuss the fundamental theory behind the SE and note that it may be justified through a master equation when reduced to its continuum limit. However, the SE cannot be used for rough energy landscapes, where the continuum limit is ill defined. Instead, we suggest that one should use a mean first passage time expression derived from a master equation, and show how this approach can be used to glean information about the underlying dynamics of barrier crossing. We note that the potential profile in the SE is that of the microbarriers between conformational substates, and that there is a temperature-dependent, effective friction associated with the long residence time in the microwells that populate the rough landscape. The number of recrossings of the overall barrier is temperature-dependent, governed by the microbarriers and not by the effective friction. We derive an explicit expression for the mean number of recrossings and its temperature dependence. Finally, we note that the mean first passage time can be used as a departure point for measuring the roughness of the landscape.
PubMedId: 18658228
Journal-article: Biophysical journal, vol. 95, 2008
Authors: Prasad Purohit, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: We estimated the unliganded opening and closing rate constants of neuromuscular acetylcholine receptor-channels (AChRs) having mutations that increased the gating equilibrium constant. For some mutant combinations, spontaneous openings occurred in clusters. For 25 different constructs, the unliganded gating equilibrium constant (E(0)) was correlated with the product of the predicted fold-increase in the diliganded gating equilibrium constant caused by each mutation alone. We estimate that (i) E(0) for mouse, wild-type alpha(2)beta delta epsilon AChRs is approximately 1.15 x 10(-7); (ii) unliganded AChRs open for approximately 80 micros, once every approximately 15 min; (iii) the affinity for ACh of the O(pen) conformation is approximately 10 nM, or approximately 15,600 times greater than for the C(losed) conformation; (iv) the ACh-monoliganded gating equilibrium constant is approximately 1.7 x 10(-3); (v) the C-->O isomerization reduces substantially ACh dissociation, but only slightly increases association; and (vi) ACh provides only approximately 0.9 k(B)T more binding energy per site than carbamylcholine but approximately 3.1 k(B)T more than choline, mainly because of a low O conformation affinity. Most mutations of binding site residue alphaW149 increase E(0). We estimate that the mutation alphaW149F reduces the ACh affinity of C only by 13-fold, but of O by 190-fold. Rate-equilibrium free-energy relationships for different regions of the protein show similar slopes (Phi values) for un- vs. diliganded gating, which suggests that the conformational pathway of the gating structural change is fundamentally the same with and without agonists. Agonist binding is a perturbation that (like most mutations) changes the energy, but not the mechanism, of the gating conformational change.
PubMedId: 19114650
Journal-article: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 106, 2008
Authors: David J Cadugan, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Muscle acetylcholine receptors are synaptic ion channels that "gate" between closed- and open-channel conformations. We used Phi-value analysis to probe the transition state of the diliganded gating reaction with regard to residues in the M3, membrane-spanning helix of the muscle acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit. Phi (a fraction between 1 and 0) parameterizes the extent to which a mutation changes the opening versus the closing rate constant and, for a linear reaction mechanism, the higher the Phi-value, the "earlier" the gating motion. In the upper half of alphaM3 the gating motions of all five tested residues were temporally correlated (Phi approximately 0.30) and serve to link structural changes occurring at the middle of the M2, pore-lining helix with those occurring at the interface of the extracellular and transmembrane domains. alphaM3 belongs to a complex and diverse set of synchronously moving parts that change structure relatively late in the channel-opening process. The propagation of the gating Brownian conformational cascade has a complex spatial distribution in the transmembrane domain.
PubMedId: 17513382
Journal-article: Biophysical journal, vol. 93, 2007
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 18040056
Journal-article: The Journal of general physiology, vol. 130, 2007
Authors: Prasad Purohit, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Acetylcholine receptor channel gating is a brownian conformational cascade in which nanometer-sized domains ("Phi blocks") move in staggering sequence to link an affinity change at the transmitter binding sites with a conductance change in the pore. In the alpha-subunit, the first Phi-block to move during channel opening is comprised of residues near the transmitter binding site and the second is comprised of residues near the base of the extracellular domain. We used the rate constants estimated from single-channel currents to infer the gating dynamics of Y127 and K145, in the inner and outer sheet of the beta-core of the alpha-subunit. Y127 is at the boundary between the first and second Phi blocks, at a subunit interface. alphaY127 mutations cause large changes in the gating equilibrium constant and with a characteristic Phi-value (Phi = 0.77) that places this residue in the second Phi-block. We also examined the effect on gating of mutations in neighboring residues deltaI43 (Phi = 0.86), epsilonN39 (complex kinetics), alphaI49 (no effect) and in residues that are homologous to alphaY127 on the epsilon, beta, and delta subunits (no effect). The extent to which alphaY127 gating motions are coupled to its neighbors was estimated by measuring the kinetic and equilibrium constants of constructs having mutations in alphaY127 (in both alpha subunits) plus residues alphaD97 or deltaI43. The magnitude of the coupling between alphaD97 and alphaY127 depended on the alphaY127 side chain and was small for both H (0.53 kcal/mol) and C (-0.37 kcal/mol) substitutions. The coupling across the single alpha-delta subunit boundary was larger (0.84 kcal/mol). The Phi-value for K145 (0.96) indicates that its gating motion is correlated temporally with the motions of residues in the first Phi-block and is not synchronous with those of alphaY127. This suggests that the inner and outer sheets of the alpha-subunit beta-core do not rotate as a rigid body.
PubMedId: 18040059
Journal-article: The Journal of general physiology, vol. 130, 2007
Authors: Gareth M C Lema, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Upon activation by agonist, the type A gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABAR) 'gates', allowing chloride ions to permeate membranes and produce fast inhibition of neurons. There is no consensus kinetic model for the GABAR gating mechanism. We expressed human alpha(1)beta(1)gamma(2S) GABARs in HEK 293 cells and recorded single channel currents in the cell-attached configuration using various GABA concentrations (50-5000 microm). Closed and open events occurred individually and in clusters that had at least three different modes that were distinguishable by open probability (P(O)): High (P(O)= 0.73), Mid (P(O)= 0.50), and Low (P(O)= 0.21). We used a critical time to isolate shorter bursts of openings and to thus eliminate long-lived, desensitized events. Bursts from all three modes contained three closed and three open components. We employed maximum likelihood fitting, autocorrelation analysis and macroscopic current simulation to distinguish kinetic schemes. The 'core' gating scheme for most models contained two closed states that preceded an open state (C(1) C(2) O(1)). The two best-fitting models had a third closed state connected to C(1) and a second open state (O(2)) connected to C(2). The third open state, whose occupancy varied greatly between modes, could be connected either to O(2) or C(2). We estimated rate constants for two identical, independent GABA binding steps by globally fitting data across GABA concentrations ranging from 50 to 1000 microm. For the most highly ranked model the binding rate constants were: k(+)= 3 microm(-1) s(-1) and k(-)= 272 s(-1) (K(D)= 91 microm).
PubMedId: 16455693
Journal-article: The Journal of physiology, vol. 572, 2006
Authors: Prasad Purohit, Ananya Mitra, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Muscle contraction is triggered by the opening of acetylcholine receptors at the vertebrate nerve-muscle synapse. The M2 helix of this allosteric membrane protein lines the channel, and contains a 'gate' that regulates the flow of ions through the pore. We used single-molecule kinetic analysis to probe the transition state of the gating conformational change and estimate the relative timing of M2 motions in the alpha-subunit of the murine acetylcholine receptor. This analysis produces a 'Phi-value' for a given residue that reflects its open-like versus closed-like character at the transition state. Here we show that most of the residues throughout the length of M2 have a Phi-value of approximately 0.64 but that some near the middle have lower Phi-values of 0.52 or 0.31, suggesting that alphaM2 moves in three discrete steps. The core of the channel serves both as a gate that regulates ion flow and as a hub that directs the propagation of the gating isomerization through the membrane domain of the acetylcholine receptor.
PubMedId: 17443187
Journal-article: Nature, vol. 446, 2006
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Acetylcholine receptor channels (AChRs) are proteins that switch between stable "closed" and "open" conformations. In patch clamp recordings, diliganded AChR gating appears to be a simple, two-state reaction. However, mutagenesis studies indicate that during gating dozens of residues across the protein move asynchronously and are organized into rigid body gating domains ("blocks"). Moreover, there is an upper limit to the apparent channel opening rate constant. These observations suggest that the gating reaction has a broad, corrugated transition state region, with the maximum opening rate reflecting, in part, the mean first-passage time across this ensemble. Simulations reveal that a flat, isotropic energy profile for the transition state can account for many of the essential features of AChR gating. With this mechanism, concerted, local structural transitions that occur on the broad transition state ensemble give rise to fractional measures of reaction progress (Phi values) determined by rate-equilibrium free energy relationship analysis. The results suggest that the coarse-grained AChR gating conformational change propagates through the protein with dynamics that are governed by the Brownian motion of individual gating blocks.
PubMedId: 15665102
Journal-article: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 102, 2005
Authors: Ananya Mitra, Gisela D Cymes, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: Neuromuscular acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) are ion channels that alternatively adopt stable conformations that either allow (open) or prohibit (closed) ionic conduction. We probed the dynamics of pore (M2) residues at the diliganded gating transition state by using single-channel kinetic and rate-equilibrium free energy relationship (phi-value) analyses of mutant AChRs. The mutations were at the equatorial (9') position of the alpha, beta, and epsilon subunits (n = 15) or at sites between the equator and the extracellular domain in the alpha-subunit (n = 8). We also studied AChRs having only one of the two alpha-subunits mutated. The results indicate that the alpha-subunit, like the delta-subunit, has a region of flexure near the middle of M2, that the two alpha-subunits experience distinct energy barriers to gating at the equator (but not elsewhere), and that the collective subunit motions at the equator are asymmetric during the AChR gating isomerization.
PubMedId: 16217024
Journal-article: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 102, 2005
Authors: Yu Zhou, John E Pearson, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: We derive the analytical form of a rate-equilibrium free-energy relationship (with slope Phi) for a bounded, linear chain of coupled reactions having arbitrary connecting rate constants. The results confirm previous simulation studies showing that Phi-values reflect the position of the perturbed reaction within the chain, with reactions occurring earlier in the sequence producing higher Phi-values than those occurring later in the sequence. The derivation includes an expression for the transmission coefficients of the overall reaction based on the rate constants of an arbitrary, discrete, finite Markov chain. The results indicate that experimental Phi-values can be used to calculate the relative heights of the energy barriers between intermediate states of the chain but provide no information about the energies of the wells along the reaction path. Application of the equations to the case of diliganded acetylcholine receptor channel gating suggests that the transition-state ensemble for this reaction is nearly flat. Although this mechanism accounts for many of the basic features of diliganded and unliganded acetylcholine receptor channel gating, the experimental rate-equilibrium free-energy relationships appear to be more linear than those predicted by the theory.
PubMedId: 16183877
Journal-article: Biophysical journal, vol. 89, 2005
Authors: Anthony Auerbach, Yu Zhou
PubMedId: 16135748
1: The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, vol. 25, 2005
Authors: Gabriela Popescu, Anthony Auerbach
Abstract: The slow component of the excitatory postsynaptic current in the central nervous system is generated by the activity of NMDA receptors. The activation properties of this class of glutamate receptor determine key features of the synaptic response and have important consequences for synaptic plasticity and cell physiology. NMDA receptor activation is complex and involves ligand binding, protein conformational changes, and channel blockade. Recently, two groups have proposed state models that encapsulate the essential features of NMDA receptor gating conformational changes. These models provide insight into the NMDA receptor as a molecular machine and should help us understand and manipulate NMDA receptor mediated synaptic function and pathologies.
PubMedId: 15155058
Journal-article: The Neuroscientist : a review journal bringing neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry, vol. 10, 2004
Authors: Ananya Mitra, Timothy D Bailey, Anthony L Auerbach
Abstract: The transition state structures that link the stable end states of allosteric proteins are largely unresolved. We used single-molecule kinetic analysis to probe the dynamics of the M4 transmembrane segments during the closed<==>open isomerization of the neuromuscular acetylcholine receptor ion channel (AChR). We measured the slopes (phi) of the free energy relationships for 87 mutants, which reveal the open- versus closed-like characters of the mutated residues at the transition state and hence the sequence and organization of gating molecular motions. phi was constant throughout the length of the alpha subunit M4 segment with an average value of 0.54, suggesting that this domain moves as a unit, approximately midway through the reaction. Analysis of a hybrid construct indicates that the two alpha subunits move synchronously. Between subunits, the sequence of M4 motions is alpha-epsilon-beta. The AChR ion channel emerges as a dynamic nanomachine with many moving parts.
PubMedId: 15458639
Journal-article: Structure (London, England : 1993), vol. 12, 2004
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 12824477
1: Science's STKE : signal transduction knowledge environment, vol. 2003, 2003
Authors: Gabriela Popescu, Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 12679783
Journal-article: Nature Neuroscience, vol. 6, pp. 476-483, 2003
Authors: Sergio Elenes, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 541, pp. 367-383, 2002
Authors: Gisela D. Cymes, Claudio Grosman, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: Biochemistry, vol. 41, pp. 5548-5555, 2002
Authors: Anthony Auerbach
PubMedId: 12027011
Journal Article: Novartis Foundation symposium, vol. 245, 2002
Authors: Yongling Zhu, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 117, pp. 287-298, 2001
Authors: Yongling Zhu, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 117, pp. 275-286, 2001
Authors: Feng Qin, Anthony Auerbach, Frederick Sachs
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 79, pp. 1915-1927, 2000
Authors: Claudio Grosman, Frank N. Salamone, Steven M. Sine, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 116, pp. 327-340, 2000
Authors: Claudio Grosman, Ming Zhou, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: Nature, vol. 403, pp. 773-776, 2000
Authors: Frank N. Salamone, Ming Zhou, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 518, pp. 315-330, 1999
Authors: Gustav Akk, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: British Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 128, pp. 1467-1476, 1999
Authors: Frank N. Salamone, Ming Zhou, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 516, pp. 315-330, 1999
Authors: Frank N. Salamone, Ming Zhou, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 514, pp. 327-341, 1999
Authors: Gustav Akk, Ming Zhou, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 76, pp. 207-218, 1999
Authors: Anthony Auerbach, Gustav Akk
Journal-article: The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 112, pp. 181-197, 1998
Authors: Jian Chen, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 75, pp. 218-225, 1998
Authors: Louis S. Premkumar, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 110, pp. 485-502, 1997
Authors: Hai-Long Wang, Anthony Auerbach, Nina Bren, Kinji Ohno, Andrew G. Engel, Steven M. Sine
Journal-article: The Journal of General Physiology, vol. 109, pp. 757-766, 1997
Authors: F. Qin, A. Auerbach, F. Sachs
Journal-article: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 264, pp. 375-383, 1997
Authors: A Auerbach, W Sigurdson, J Chen, G Akk
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 494, pp. 155-170, 1996
Authors: G Akk, S Sine, A Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 496, pp. 185-196, 1996
Authors: G. Akk, A. Auerbach
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 70, pp. 2652-2658, 1996
Authors: Louis S Premkumar, Anthony Auerbach
Journal-article: Neuron, vol. 16, pp. 869-880, 1996
Authors: F. Qin, A. Auerbach, F. Sachs
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 70, pp. 264-280, 1996
Authors: J. Chen, Y. Zhang, G. Akk, S. Sine, A. Auerbach
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 69, pp. 849-859, 1995
Authors: Y. Zhang, A. Auerbach
Journal-article: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 74, pp. 153-161, 1995
Authors: J. Gao, L.W. Chou, A. Auerbach
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 65, pp. 43-47, 1993
Authors: A Auerbach
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 461, pp. 339-378, 1993
Authors: A. Auerbach
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 60, pp. 660-670, 1991
Authors: Robert M. Davidson, Dimitris W. Tatakis, Anthony L. Auerbach
Journal-article: Pfl???gers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, vol. 416, pp. 646-651, 1990
Book-chapter: Neuroendocrine Peptide Methodology, pp. 451-479, 1989
Book-chapter: Neuroendocrine Peptide Methodology, pp. 503-518, 1989
Authors: A Auerbach, C J Lingle
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 393, pp. 437-466, 1987
Authors: Anthony Auerbach, Frederick Sachs, James Neil, Richard McGarrigle
Book-chapter: Methods in Enzymology, pp. 190-206, 1986
Authors: A Auerbach, C J Lingle
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 378, pp. 119-140, 1986
Authors: A Auerbach, F Sachs
PubMedId: 6331285
Journal-article: Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering, vol. 13, 1984
Authors: A Auerbach
Journal-article: Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure, vol. 13, pp. 269-302, 1984
Authors: Frederick Sachs, Anthony Auerbach
Book-chapter: Methods in Enzymology, pp. 147-176, 1983
Authors: A. Auerbach, F. Sachs
Journal-article: Biophysical Journal, vol. 42, pp. 1-10, 1983
Authors: A Auerbach, J del Castillo, P C Specht, M Titmus
Journal-article: The Journal of Physiology, vol. 343, pp. 551-568, 1983
Authors: J. del Castillo, P. Specht, A. Auerbach
Journal-article: Journal of Neuroscience Research, vol. 8, pp. 35-48, 1982
Authors: Anthony Auerbach, David L. Barker
Journal-article: Journal of Neurochemistry, vol. 36, pp. 1648-1658, 1981
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