UB Vice President for Research and Economic Development markup
Laurene M Tumiel Berhalter UB Profile
Family Medicine
Director of Community Translational Research
UB Downtown Gateway
Department of Family Medicine
77 Goodell Street, Suite 220N
Buffalo NY 14203
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Authors: Sarah M Reilly, Megan Wilson Crowley, Pamela Harold, Deborah Hemphill, Laurene Tumiel Berhalter
PubMedId: 30129515
1: Journal of the National Medical Association, vol. 110, 2017
Authors: Linda S Kahn, Patricia A Pastore, Elisa M Rodriguez, Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, Maura Kelley, Donald P Bartlett, Elizabeth A Saunders, Chester H Fox
Abstract: Individuals with serious mental illnesses (SMI) represent a high-risk health disparities population disproportionately affected by diabetes and obesity. This paper describes a community-based participatory research (CBPR) approach to adapting a well-known evidence-based behavioral change protocol, the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) lifestyle intervention, for individuals with diabetes and SMI in the community setting. A committee composed of university researchers and representatives from the recovery community modified the DPP following three criteria: Person centeredness, practicality, and empowerment. Major modifications to the DPP were made in light of barriers and challenges faced by individuals with diabetes and SMI. The adaptations made to the DPP, and the process through which the modifications were made, may be used by physicians, mental health practitioners, and health educators to engage individuals confronting self-management of diabetes and mental illness.
PubMedId: 23221289
Journal-article: Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action, vol. 6, 2012
Authors: Linda S Kahn, Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, Rona D'Aniello, Andy Danzo, Chester H Fox, John Taylor, Shannon Holland, Kathryn Glaser, Vinod Patel, Myron Glick
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of incorporating certified diabetes educator trainees into medical practices on patient diabetes outcomes. This was a mixed methods practice-based evaluation study undertaken in 2 primary care practices in high-poverty neighborhoods in Buffalo, New York. The evaluation entailed a physician-referred patient cohort with pre- and postanalysis of chart review data corresponding to the American Diabetes Association's diabetes indicators. Patient charts were reviewed at baseline and 12 months. A brief survey was administered to the providers and staff to ascertain the extent to which the certified diabetes educator trainees were perceived as useful as part of the medical practice team. Among 74 patients enrolled in diabetes classes, A1C levels decreased from a mean of 8.8% to 8.3%. Among a subset of patients (35%) with poorly controlled diabetes at baseline (A1C 9), there was a 15% decrease in A1C levels. Overall improvement in A1C was observed among 219 patients seen by a diabetes educator, in either a diabetes education class or a one-on-one visit. Results suggest that having a certified diabetes educator trainee as part of the primary care practice team may advance diabetes care, as evidenced by improvements in glucose control. Responses from providers and staff suggest that the certified diabetes educator trainees were well integrated into the practices and were perceived as instrumental in educating patients to better manage their diabetes.
PubMedId: 22146787
Journal-article: The Diabetes educator, vol. 38, 2011
Authors: Laurene M Tumiel-Berhalter, Linda Kahn, Robert Watkins, Melanie Goehle, Carrie Meyer
Abstract: To describe the participatory approach used to develop "Good For The Neighborhood" (GFTN), a community program to improve the health of four underserved communities. A core program was developed involving a "park and stay" approach to impact four underserved predominately minority communities (two predominately African American, 1 predominately Latino, and the Seneca Nation of Indians). The core program includes health screenings, risk assessments, health education, and exposure to health services. An extensive tracking and evaluation system was developed to determine participation and impact on the community. Multi-methods (key informant interviews, focus groups, surveys) were implemented to gain feedback from community partners and participants as to how to adopt the program to meet the needs of the community. GFTN has been sustained for over 3years and has reached over 3,500 predominately minority individuals in four communities with 1/3 of participants engaging regularly in the program. The program has evolved in the four communities to meet specific needs. A "park and stay" approach in partnership with the community has led to a strong program that community partners and residents embrace. Community ownership and social networking, including word-of-mouth from residents is essential to establishing a successful program.
PubMedId: 21259037
Journal-article: Journal of community health, vol. 36, 2011
Authors: Luis E Zayas, Angela M Wisniewski, Renee B Cadzow, Laurene M Tumiel-Berhalter
Abstract: Puerto Ricans have higher lifetime and current asthma prevalence than other racial and ethnic groups in the United States. A great many Hispanics use ethnomedical therapies for asthma. This study elicited participant knowledge of ethnomedical therapies, developed a typology of the therapies, and considered whether some types are used or deemed efficacious based, in part, on information source. Eligible participants were randomly selected from the medical records of an inner-city primary care clinic serving a predominantly Hispanic community in Buffalo, New York. Thirty adult Puerto Ricans who had asthma or were care-givers of children with asthma were interviewed in person using a semistructured instrument. Qualitative data analysis followed a content-driven immersion-crystallization approach. Outcome measures were ethnomedical treatments for asthma known to participants, whether these treatments were used or perceived effective, and the participant's information source about the treatment. Participants identified 75 ethnomedical treatments for asthma. Behavioral strategies were significantly more likely to be used or perceived effective compared with ingested and topical remedies (P <.001). Among information sources for ingested and topical remedies, those recommended by community members were significantly less likely to be used or perceived effective (P <.001) compared with other sources. This sample of Puerto Ricans with a regular source of medical care was significantly more likely to use or perceive as effective behavioral strategies compared with ingested and topical remedies. Allopathic clinicians should ask Puerto Rican patients about their use of ethnomedical therapies for asthma to better understand their health beliefs and to integrate ethnomedical therapies with allopathic medicine.
PubMedId: 21242561
Journal-article: Annals of family medicine, vol. 9, 2011
Authors: Anne Neumann, Tambetta N Ojong, Paula K Yanes, Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, Gerald E Daigler, Richard D Blondell
Abstract: This study examined the admission characteristics associated with failure to complete residential substance abuse treatment among male adolescents. Of 160 admissions, 48 (30%) completed treatment. Having commercial health insurance (P= .005), having a family history of a substance use disorder (P= .05), and living with only one biological parent (P= .015) were admission characteristics associated with non-completion. Those reporting a history of physical or sexual abuse also appeared to be at risk for non-completion (P= .014); none of these participants completed the treatment. Interventions that improve residential substance abuse treatment retention for adolescents are needed.
PubMedId: 20924878
Journal-article: Journal of addictive diseases, vol. 29, 2010
Authors: Laurene M Tumiel-Berhalter, Victoria McLaughlin-Diaz, John Vena, Carlos J Crespo
Keywords: Hispanic Puerto Rican asthma community participatory research research capacity
Abstract: Education and training build community research capacity and have impact on improvements of health outcomes. This manuscript describes the training and educational approaches to building research capacity that were utilized in a community-based participatory research program serving a Puerto Rican population and identifies barriers and strategies for overcoming them. A process evaluation identified a multitiered approach to training and education that was critical to reaching the broad community. This approach included four major categories providing a continuum of education and training opportunities: networking, methods training, on-the-job experience, and community education. Participation in these opportunities supported the development of a registry, the implementation of a survey, and two published manuscripts. Barriers included the lack of a formal evaluation of the education and training components, language challenges that limited involvement of ethnic groups other than Puerto Ricans, and potential biases associated with the familiarity of the data collector and the participant. The CBPR process facilitated relationship development between the university and the community and incorporated the richness of the community experience into research design. Strategies for improvement include incorporating evaluation into every training and educational opportunity and developing measures to quantify research capacity at the individual and community levels. Evaluating training and education in the community allows researchers to quantify the impact of CBPR on building community research capacity.
PubMedId: 19649164
Journal-article: Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action, vol. 1, 2009
Authors: Linda S Kahn, Chester H Fox, Roger S McIntyre, Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, Diane E Berdine, Heather Lyle
Abstract: To determine the prevalence of self-reported depression symptoms among diabetic individuals enrolled in Gold Choice, a Medicaid managed care organization specifically for people with mental health and/or substance abuse diagnoses; and to assess the sensitivity and specificity of individuals' self-report with encounter data. The 9-item depression scale of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) was mailed to 454 Gold Choice members in Western New York diagnosed with diabetes; and 249 completed PHQ-9 forms were returned (55% response rate). The PHQ-9 forms were compared to primary care encounter data to determine whether the respondents had been diagnosed with depression. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was undertaken. The majority (56%) of individuals in the sample screened positive for depression (PHQ-9 > or = 10), and half (49%) did not have evidence of a diagnosis in their encounter data. The percentage of those diagnosed with depression rose with increasing PHQ-9 severity levels, with 63% of individuals with the most severe depression (PHQ-9 > or = 20) having a diagnosis. This trend was statistically significant, confirmed by independent sample t-tests and chi-square tests. The sensitivity of the PHQ-9 was moderate (66%), as was the specificity (52%). The results of this study suggest that depressive disorders may be under-recognized and under-treated amongst individuals with diabetes in the primary care setting. Half (51%) of those with PHQ-9 scores > or = 10 had depression diagnoses, suggesting poor compliance rates and/or a need for therapy reassessment.
PubMedId: 18624014
Journal-article: International journal of psychiatry in medicine, vol. 38, 2008
Authors: Linda S Kahn, Laurene Tumiel-Berhalter, Renee Cadzow, Robert Watkins, Kathleen M Leonard, John S Taylor
Abstract: This study presents an uncontrolled preliminary evaluation of a pilot health insurance subsidy program and addresses whether provision of subsidized insurance that required employee contribution had an impact upon preventive health utilization among small businesses and their employees. Self-report questionnaires were mailed to the employees; these included questions on use of preventive health services before and after enrollment in the subsidy program. The analysis was stratified by self-reported prior enrollment in an insurance program to compare employees with and without prior health insurance. The findings suggest significant increases in health service utilization among the previously uninsured. Regular checkups more than doubled (p < .0001), as did the number of individuals receiving regular blood work (p < .0001). Nearly twice the number of individuals filled regular prescriptions after enrollment in the subsidy program as compared with before (p < .0001). This study suggests that employees of small businesses are willing to contribute to the cost of a health insurance premium, and once insured are more likely to use preventive services. A model of shared cost responsibility is an effective way to provide affordable insurance to small-business employees, thus increasing preventive services in these populations.
PubMedId: 17293606
Journal-article: Evaluation & the health professions, vol. 30, 2007
Authors: Laurene M Tumiel-Berhalter, Robert Watkins
Abstract: This study determines the impact of provider knowledge and attitude on implementation of guidelines: spirometry, peak flows, patient assessments, action plans, severity assessment, and anti-inflammatories. A self-administered survey conducted in academic family practice sites in Buffalo, NY assessed knowledge, self-reported use, and perceived usefulness. Knowledge was associated with regular use of peak flows (p = 0.048) and anti-inflammatories (p = 0.01). Positive attitude was associated with regular use of spirometry (p = 0.03), peak flows (p < or = 0.001), patient assessments (p = 0.02), action plans (p = 0.046), anti-inflammatories (p < or = 0.001), and severity assessment (p < or = 0.001). Perceived usefulness is critical to implementing asthma guidelines. Interventions to improve provider adherence must address attitude.
PubMedId: 17050229
Journal-article: The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma, vol. 43, 2006
Authors: Laurene M Tumiel-Berhalter, Charles O Hershey
Abstract: There is a lack of information in the literature reflecting systems effects on adherence to national asthma guidelines. The purpose of this pilot study is to provide a descriptive account of the preparedness of academic primary care sites to follow national asthma guidelines related to spirometry, peak flow meters, standard history forms, severity assessment, follow-up assessment sheets, patient self-assessment sheets, and asthma action plan templates. This was a cross-sectional descriptive study. A short survey was mailed to medical directors on behalf of primary care academic clinical sites to assess the availability of guideline tools in their practices. Medical directors were also asked to rate their perception of how essential the guidelines were in the management of asthma. Medical directors agreed that the guideline tools were essential in managing asthma. However, with the exceptions of peak flow meters and standard history forms, most sites were not equipped with these tools for providers to use. The findings highlight the importance of the practice environment on the implementation of national asthma guidelines and encourage larger studies to include an assessment of the systems in place to enable guideline adherence. By taking systems into account, interventions may be potentially much more effective in improving the quality of care.
PubMedId: 16169795
Journal-article: The Journal of asthma : official journal of the Association for the Care of Asthma, vol. 42, 2005
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