UB Vice President for Research and Economic Development markup
Jinwoo Park UB Profile
Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Assistant Professor
113 Sherman
3435 Main Street
Buffalo NY 14214
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Authors: Ken T. Wakabayashi, Malte Feja, Ajay N. Baindur, Michael J. Bruno, Rohan V. Bhimani, Jinwoo Park, Kathryn Hausknecht, Roh-Yu Shen, Samir Haj-Dahmane, Caroline E. Bass
PubMedId: 29875446
Journal-article: Neuropsychopharmacology, 2018
Authors: Jian-Feng Liu, Robert Seaman, Justin N. Siemian, Rohan Bhimani, Bernard Johnson, Yanan Zhang, Qing Zhu, Marius C. Hoener, Jinwoo Park, David M. Dietz, Jun-Xu Li
PubMedId: 29472642
Journal-article: Neuropsychopharmacology, 2018
Authors: Jin W Park, Rohan V Bhimani, Jinwoo Park
PubMedId: 28594540
Journal Article: ACS chemical neuroscience, vol. 8, 2017
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Ken T Wakabayashi, Caitlin Szalkowski, Rohan V Bhimani
PubMedId: 28498499
Journal Article: Journal of neurochemistry, vol. 142, 2017
Authors: Robert J Wickham, Eric J Nunes, Shannon Hughley, Phillip Silva, Sofia N Walton, Jinwoo Park, Nii A Addy
PubMedId: 28943284
Journal Article: Neuropharmacology, vol. 128, 2017
Authors: Ken T Wakabayashi, Michael J Bruno, Caroline E Bass, Jinwoo Park
Abstract: The olfactory tubercle (OT), as a component of the ventral striatum, serves as an important multisensory integration center for reward-related processes in the brain. Recent studies show that dense dopaminergic innervation from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) into the OT may play an outsized role in disorders such as psychostimulant addiction and disorders of motivation, increasing recent scientific interest in this brain region. However, due to its anatomical inaccessibility, relative small size, and proximity to other dopamine-rich structures, neurochemical assessments using conventional methods cannot be readily employed. Here, we investigated dopamine (DA) regulation in the OT of urethane-anesthetized rats using in vivo fast-scan voltammetry (FSCV) coupled with carbon-fiber microelectrodes, following optogenetic stimulation of the VTA. The results were compared with DA regulation in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), a structure located adjacent to the OT and which also receives dense DA innervation from the VTA. FSCV coupled with optically evoked release allowed us to investigate the spatial distribution of DA in the OT and characterize OT DA dynamics (release and clearance) with subsecond temporal and micrometer spatial resolution for the first time. In this study, we demonstrated that DA transporters play an important role in regulating DA in the OT. However, the control of extracellular DA by uptake in the OT was less than in the NAc. The difference in DA transmission in the terminal fields of the OT and NAc may be involved in region-specific responses to drugs of abuse and contrasting roles in mediating reward-related behavior.
PubMedId: 27063845
Journal-article: The Analyst, vol. 141, 2016
Authors: Robert J Wickham, Jinwoo Park, Eric J Nunes, Nii A Addy
PubMedId: 26325447
1: Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, 2015
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Elizabeth S Bucher, Evgeny A Budygin, R Mark Wightman
PubMedId: 25599453
Journal Article: Pain, vol. 156, 2015
Authors: L E Mueller, M A Kausch, T Markovic, D A A MacLaren, D M Dietz, J Park, S D Clark
Keywords: Cocaine Conditioned place preference Laterodorsal tegmentum Pedunculopontine tegmentum Urotensin II
Abstract: Although the peptide urotensin II (UII) has well studied direct actions on the cardiovascular system, the UII receptor (UIIR) is expressed by neurons of the hindbrain. Specifically, the UIIR is expressed by the cholinergic neurons of the laterodorsal tegmentum (LDTg) and the pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPTg). These neurons send axons to the ventral tegmental area (VTA), for which the PPTg and LDTg are the sole source of acetylcholine. Therefore, it was hypothesized that UIIR activation within the VTA would modulate reward-related behaviors, such as cocaine-induced drug seeking. Intra-VTA microinjections of UII at high concentrations (1 nmole) established conditioned place preference (CPP), but also blocked cocaine-mediated CPP (10 mg/kg). When rats received systemic sub-effectual doses of cocaine (7.5 mg/kg) with intra-VTA injections of 1 or 10 pmole of UII CPP was formed. Furthermore, the second endogenous ligand for the UIIR, urotensin II-related peptide, had the same effect at the 10 pmole dose. The effects of low doses of UII were blocked by pretreatment with the UIIR antagonist SB657510. Furthermore, it was found that intra-VTA UII (10 pmole) further increased cocaine-mediated (7.5 mg/kg) rises in electrically evoked dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. Our study has found that activation of VTA-resident UIIR produces observable behavioral changes in rats, and that UIIR is able to modulate the effects of cocaine. In addition, it was found that UIIR activation within the VTA can potentiate cocaine-mediated neurochemical effects. Therefore, the coincident activation of the UII-system and cocaine administration may increase the liability for drug taking behavior.
PubMedId: 25264578
Journal-article: Behavioural brain research, vol. 278, 2014
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Elizabeth S. Bucher, R.Mark Wightman
Book-chapter: Catecholamine Research in the 21st Century, pp. 159, 2014
Authors: Natalie R. Herr, Jinwoo Park, Zo?? A. McElligott, Anna M. Belle, Regina M. Carelli, R. Mark Wightman
PubMedId: 22190618
Journal-article: Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 107, pp. 1731-1737, 2012
Authors: E A Budygin, J Park, C E Bass, V P Grinevich, K D Bonin, R M Wightman
Abstract: Aversive stimuli have a powerful impact on behavior and are considered to be the opposite valence of pleasure. Recent studies have determined some populations of ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopaminergic neurons are activated by several types of aversive stimuli, whereas other distinct populations are either inhibited or unresponsive. However, it is not clear where these aversion-responsive neurons project, and whether alterations in their activity translate into dopamine release in the terminal field. Here we show unequivocally that the neurochemical and anatomical substrates responsible for the perception and processing of pleasurable stimuli within the striatum are also activated by tail pinch, a classical painful and aversive stimulus. Dopamine release is triggered in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens (NAc) core by tail pinch and is time locked to the duration of the stimulus, indicating that the dorsal striatum and NAc core are neural substrates, which are involved in the perception of aversive stimuli. However, dopamine is released in the NAc shell only when tail pinch is removed, indicating that the alleviation of aversive condition could be perceived as a rewarding event.
PubMedId: 22108611
Journal-article: Neuroscience, vol. 201, 2011
Authors: Richard B Keithley, Pavel Takmakov, Elizabeth S Bucher, Anna M Belle, Catarina A Owesson-White, Jinwoo Park, R Mark Wightman
Abstract: Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) with carbon-fiber microelectrodes has been successfully used to detect catecholamine release in vivo. Generally, waveforms with anodic voltage limits of 1.0 or 1.3 V (vs Ag/AgCl) are used for detection. The 1.0 V excursion provides good temporal resolution but suffers from a lack of sensitivity. The 1.3 V excursion increases sensitivity but also increases response time, which can blur the detection of neurochemical events. Here, the scan rate was increased to improve the sensitivity of the 1.0 V excursion while maintaining the rapid temporal response. However, increasing scan rate increases both the desired faradaic current response and the already large charging current associated with the voltage sweep. Analog background subtraction was used to prevent the analog-to-digital converter from saturating from the high currents generated with increasing scan rate by neutralizing some of the charging current. In vitro results with the 1.0 V waveform showed approximately a 4-fold increase in signal-to-noise ratio with maintenance of the desired faster response time by increasing scan rate up to 2400 V/s. In vivo, stable stimulated release was detected with an approximate 4-fold increase in peak current. The scan rate of the 1.3 V waveform was also increased, but the signal was unstable with time in vitro and in vivo. Adapting the 1.3 V triangular wave into a sawhorse design prevented signal decay and increased the faradaic response. The use of the 1.3 V sawhorse waveform decreased the detection limit of dopamine with FSCV to 0.96 0.08 nM in vitro and showed improved performance in vivo without affecting the neuronal environment. Electron microscopy showed dopamine sensitivity is in a quasi-steady state with carbon-fiber microelectrodes scanned to potentials above 1.0 V.
PubMedId: 21473572
Journal-article: Analytical chemistry, vol. 83, 2011
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Pavel Takmakov, R Mark Wightman
Abstract: Brain norepinephrine and dopamine regulate a variety of critical behaviors such as stress, learning, memory, and drug addiction. In this study, we demonstrate differences in the regulation of in vivo neurotransmission for dopamine in the anterior nucleus accumbens (NAc) and norepinephrine in the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST) of the anesthetized rat. Release of the two catecholamines was measured simultaneously using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry at two different carbon-fiber microelectrodes, each implanted in the brain region of interest. Simultaneous dopamine and norepinephrine release was evoked by electrical stimulation of a region where the ventral noradrenergic bundle, the pathway of noradrenergic neurons, courses through the ventral tegmental area/substantia nigra, the origin of dopaminergic cell bodies. The release and uptake of norepinephrine in the vBNST were both significantly slower than for dopamine in the NAc. Pharmacological manipulations in the same animal demonstrated that the two catecholamines are differently regulated. The combination of a dopamine autoreceptor antagonist and amphetamine significantly increased basal extracellular dopamine whereas a norepinephrine autoreceptor antagonist and amphetamine did not change basal norepinephrine concentration. -Methyl-p-tyrosine, a tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor, decreased electrically evoked dopamine release faster than norepinephrine. The dual-microelectrode fast-scan cyclic voltammetry technique along with anatomical and pharmacological evidence confirms that dopamine in the NAc and norepinephrine in the vBNST can be monitored selectively and simultaneously in the same animal. The high temporal and spatial resolution of the technique enabled us to examine differences in the dynamics of extracellular norepinephrine and dopamine concurrently in two different limbic structures.
PubMedId: 21933188
Journal-article: Journal of neurochemistry, vol. 119, 2011
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Robert A Wheeler, Khristy Fontillas, Richard B Keithley, Regina M Carelli, R Mark Wightman
Abstract: Traditionally, norepinephrine has been associated with stress responses, whereas dopamine has been associated with reward. Both of these catecholamines are found within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), a brain relay nucleus in the extended amygdala between cortical/limbic centers, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Despite this colocalization, little is known about subsecond catecholamine signaling in subregions of the BNST in response to salient stimuli. Changes in extracellular catecholamine concentration in subregions of the BNST in response to salient stimuli were measured within the rat BNST with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry at carbon-fiber microelectrodes. A discrete subregional distribution of release events was observed for different catecholamines in this nucleus. In addition, rewarding and aversive tastants evoked inverse patterns of norepinephrine and dopamine release in the BNST. An aversive stimulus, quinine, activated noradrenergic signaling but inhibited dopaminergic signaling, whereas a palatable stimulus, sucrose, inhibited norepinephrine while causing dopamine release. This reciprocal relationship, coupled with their different time courses, can provide integration of opposing hedonic states to influence response outputs appropriate for survival.
PubMedId: 22115620
Journal-article: Biological psychiatry, vol. 71, 2011
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Brian M Kile, R Mark Wightman
Abstract: The role and contribution of the dense noradrenergic innervation in the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST) and anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AV) to biological function and animal behaviors is poorly understood due to the small size of these nuclei. The aim of this study was to compare norepinephrine release and uptake in the vBNST with that in the AV of anesthetized rats. Measurements were made in vivo with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry following electrical stimulation of noradrenergic projection pathways, either the dorsal noradrenergic bundle (DNB) or the ventral noradrenergic bundle (VNB). The substance detected was identified as norepinephrine based upon voltammetric, anatomical, neurochemical and pharmacological evidence. Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry enables the selective monitoring of local norepinephrine overflow in the vBNST evoked by the stimulation of either the DNB or the VNB while norepinephrine in the AV was only evoked by DNB stimulation. The alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine and the norepinephrine uptake inhibitor desipramine increased norepinephrine overflow and slowed its disappearance in both regions. However, control of extracellular norepinephrine by both autoreceptors and uptake was greater in the AV. The greater control exerted by autoreceptors and uptake in the AV resulted in reduced extracellular concentration compared with the v BNST when large numbers of stimulation pulses were employed. The differences in noradrenergic transmission observed in the terminal fields of the v BNST and the AV may differentially regulate activity in these two regions that both contain high densities of norepinephrine terminals.
PubMedId: 20128849
Journal-article: The European journal of neuroscience, vol. 30, 2010
Authors: Matthew K Zachek, Jinwoo Park, Pavel Takmakov, R Mark Wightman, Gregory S McCarty
Abstract: Fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) has been used previously to detect neurotransmitter release and reuptake in vivo. An advantage that FSCV has over other electrochemical techniques is its ability to distinguish neurotransmitters of interest (i.e. monoamines) from their metabolites using their respective characteristic cyclic voltammograms. While much has been learned with this technique, it has generally only been used in a single working electrode arrangement. Additionally, traditional electrode fabrication techniques tend to be difficult and somewhat irreproducible. Described in this report is a fabrication method for a FSCV compatible microelectrode array (FSCV-MEA) that is capable of functioning in vivo. The microfabrication techniques employed here allow for better reproducibility than traditional fabrication methods of carbon fiber microelectrodes, and enable batch fabrication of electrode arrays. The reproducibility and electrochemical qualities of the probes were assessed along with crosstalk in vitro. Heterogeneous release of electrically evoked dopamine was observed in real-time in the striatum of an anesthetized rat using the FSCV-MEA. The heterogeneous effects of pharmacology on the striatum were also observed and shown to be consistent across multiple animals.
PubMedId: 20464031
Journal-article: The Analyst, vol. 135, 2010
Authors: J Park, B J Aragona, B M Kile, R M Carelli, R M Wightman
Abstract: Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) at carbon-fiber microelectrodes has been used to demonstrate that sub-second changes in catecholamine concentration occur within the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell during motivated behaviors, and these fluctuations have been attributed to rapid dopamine signaling. However, FSCV cannot distinguish between dopamine and norepinephrine, and caudal regions of the NAc shell receive noradrenergic projections. Therefore, in the present study, we examined the degree to which norepinephrine contributes to catecholamine release within rostral and caudal portion of NAc shell. Analysis of tissue content revealed that dopamine was the major catecholamine detectable in the rostral NAc shell, whereas both dopamine and norepinephrine were found in the caudal subregion. To examine releasable catecholamines, electrical stimulation was used to evoke release in anesthetized rats with either stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle, a pathway containing both dopaminergic and noradrenergic projections to the NAc, or the ventral tegmental area/substantia nigra, the origin of dopaminergic projections. The catecholamines were distinguished by their responses to different pharmacological agents. The dopamine autoreceptor blocker, raclopride, as well as the monoamine and dopamine transporter blockers, cocaine and GBR 12909, increased evoked catecholamine overflow in both the rostral and caudal NAc shell. The norepinephrine autoreceptor blocker, yohimbine, and the norepinephrine transporter blocker, desipramine, increased catecholamine overflow in the caudal NAc shell without significant alteration of evoked responses in the rostral NAc shell. Thus, the neurochemical and pharmacological results show that norepinephrine signaling is restricted to caudal portions of the NAc shell. Following raclopride and cocaine or raclopride and GBR 12909, robust catecholamine transients were observed within the rostral shell but these were far less apparent in the caudal NAc shell, and they did not occur following yohimbine and desipramine. Taken together, the data demonstrate that catecholamine signals in the rostral NAc shell detected by FSCV are due to change in dopamine transmission.
PubMedId: 20451589
Journal-article: Neuroscience, vol. 169, 2010
Authors: Jinwoo Park, James J Galligan, Gregory D Fink, Greg M Swain
Abstract: We studied hypertension-associated changes in prejunctional alpha(2) adrenergic receptor (alpha(2)-AR) function using amperometry to monitor in vitro norepinephrine (NE) measured as oxidation currents. Vasoconstriction was measured using video imaging. NE release was induced by electrical stimulation of sympathetic nerves associated with mesenteric arteries (MA) and veins (MV) of sham and DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. NE oxidation currents were larger in DOCA-salt compared to sham MA; there were no differences between currents in sham and DOCA-salt MV. Increases in NE oxidation currents followed a multi-exponential time course in sham MA. In DOCA-salt MA and sham and DOCA-salt MV, the time course was mono-exponential. Yohimbine (alpha(2)-AR antagonist, 1 microM), caused a mono-exponential increase in NE oxidation currents in sham and DOCA-salt MA. Yohimbine increased NE oxidation currents and constrictions more in sham compared to DOCA-salt MA and compared to MV. UK 14,304 (alpha(2)-AR agonist, 1.0 microM), reduced currents less in DOCA-salt MA and sham and DOCA-salt MV compared to sham MA. Prazosin (alpha(1)-AR antagonist, 0.1 microM) did not alter NE oxidation currents. Prazosin inhibited constrictions more in DOCA-salt compared to sham MA and almost completely blocked constrictions in sham and DOCA-salt MV. Prazosin-resistant constrictions in MA were blocked by the P2 receptor antagonist, PPADS (10 microM). Prejunctional alpha(2)-ARs modify NE concentrations near neuroeffector junctions in MA and MV. alpha(2)-AR function is most prominent in MA and is impaired in DOCA-salt MA but not MV. Purinergic transmission predominates in sham MA. NE is the dominant vasoconstrictor in DOCA-salt MA and sham and DOCA-salt MV.
PubMedId: 19914150
Journal-article: Autonomic neuroscience : basic & clinical, vol. 152, 2009
Authors: Matthew K Zachek, Pavel Takmakov, Jinwoo Park, R Mark Wightman, Gregory S McCarty
Abstract: When coupled with a microelectrode, background-subtracted fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) allows fast, sensitive and selective determination of analytes within a small spatial location. For the past 30 years experiments using this technique have been largely confined to recordings at a single microelectrode. Arrays with closely separated microelectrodes would allow researchers to gain more informative data as well as probe regions in close spatial proximity. This work presents one of the first FSCV microelectrode arrays (MEA) implemented in vivo with the ability to sample from different regions in close spatial proximity (equidistant within 1mm). The array is manufactured from fused silica capillaries and a microfabricated electrode spacer. The functionality of the array is assessed by simultaneously monitoring electrically stimulated dopamine (DA) release in the striatum of anesthetized rat. As expected, heterogeneous dopamine release was simultaneously observed. Additionally, the pharmacological effect of raclopride (D(2) receptor antagonist) and cocaine (monoamine uptake blocker) on the heterogeneity of DA release, in spatially different brain regions was shown to alter neurotransmitter release at all four electrode sites.
PubMedId: 19896822
Journal-article: Biosensors & bioelectronics, vol. 25, 2009
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Veronika Quaiserov??-Mocko, Bhavik Anil Patel, Martin Novotn??, Aihua Liu, Xiaochun Bian, James J. Galligan, Greg M. Swain
PubMedId: 18087609
Journal-article: The Analyst, vol. 133, pp. 17-24, 2008
Authors: Jinwoo Park, James J Galligan, Gregory D Fink, Greg M Swain
Abstract: As arteries are resistance blood vessels while veins perform a capacitance function, it might be expected that sympathetic neural control of arteries and veins would differ. The function of sympathetic nerves supplying mesenteric arteries (MA) and veins (MV) in rats was investigated using in vitro continuous amperometry with a carbon fibre microelectrode and video imaging. We simultaneously measured noradrenaline (NA) overflow at the blood vessel adventitial surface and vasoconstriction evoked by electrical stimulation of perivascular sympathetic nerves. Sympathetic nerve arrangement was studied using glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence of NA. We found that: (i) there were significant differences between MA and MV in the arrangement of sympathetic nerves; (ii) frequency-response curves for NA overflow and vasoconstriction for MV were left-shifted compared to MA; (iii) the P2X receptor antagonist, pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulphonic acid (PPADS, 10 microm), reduced constrictions in MA but not in MV while the alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor antagonist, prazosin (0.1 microm), blocked constrictions in MV but not in MA; (iv) NA overflow for MA was enhanced by the alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor antagonist, yohimbine (1.0 microm), and attenuated by the alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor agonist, UK 14,304 (1.0 microm), while yohimbine and UK 14,304 had little effect in MV; (v) cocaine (10 microm) produced larger increases in NA overflow in MA than in MV; (vi) UK 14,304 constricted MV but not MA while yohimbine reduced constrictions in MV but not MA. We conclude that there are fundamental differences in sympathetic neuroeffector mechanisms in MA and MV, which are likely to contribute to their different haemodynamic functions.
PubMedId: 17761778
Journal-article: The Journal of physiology, vol. 584, 2007
Authors: Jinwoo Park, James J Galligan, Gregory D Fink, Greg M Swain
Abstract: Continuous amperometry with a diamond microelectrode and video microscopy were used to record (in vitro) endogenous norepinephrine release simultaneously with the evoked contractile response of a mesenteric artery from a healthy Sprague Dawley rat. Norepinephrine (NE) is a vasoconstricting neurotransmitter released from sympathetic nerves that innervate the smooth muscle cell layers surrounding arteries and veins. Using these two techniques along with several drugs, the NE released at sympathetic neuroeffector junctions nearby the microelectrode was measured as an oxidation current. Key to the amperometric measurement was the use of a diamond microelectrode because of the response sensitivity, reproducibility, and stability it provided. NE release was elicited by electrical stimulation at frequencies between 1 and 60 Hz, with a maximum response seen at 20 Hz. Confirmation that the oxidation current was, in fact, associated with endogenous NE came from the results of several drugs. Tetrodotoxin (TTX, 0.3 microM), a voltage-dependent sodium channel antagonist that blocks nerve conduction, abolished both the oxidation current and the arterial constriction. The alpha(2)-adrenergic autoreceptor antagonist, yohimbine (1.0 microM), caused an increase in the oxidation current and the corresponding constriction. The addition of cocaine (10 microM), an antagonist that inhibits neuronal NE reuptake, caused both the oxidation current and the contractile response to increase. These results, combined with the fact that the hydrodynamic voltammetric E(1/2) for endogenous NE was identical to that for a standard solution, confirmed that the oxidation current was due to NE and that this compound caused, at least in part, the contractile response. The results demonstrate that continuous amperometric monitoring of NE with a diamond microelectrode and video imaging of vascular tone allow real time local measurement of the temporal relationship between nerve-stimulated NE release and arterial constriction.
PubMedId: 17007494
Journal-article: Analytical chemistry, vol. 78, 2006
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Veronika Quaiserov??-Mocko, Karolina Peckov??, James J. Galligan, Gregory D. Fink, Greg M. Swain
Journal-article: Diamond and Related Materials, vol. 15, pp. 761-772, 2006
Authors: Jinwoo Park, Yoshiyuki Show, Veronika Quaiserova, James J. Galligan, Gregory D. Fink, Greg M. Swain
Journal-article: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, vol. 583, pp. 56-68, 2005
Authors: Josef Cvacka, Veronika Quaiserov?, JinWoo Park, Yoshiyuki Show, Alexander Muck, Greg M Swain
PubMedId: 12948136
Journal Article: Analytical chemistry, vol. 75, 2003
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